Every year, an alarming number of underage drunk drivers get behind the wheel. Sadly, when someone makes this decision, it could result in an accident that causes serious injuries and even loss of life. However, even when an accident doesn’t occur, the potential consequences of being charged with an alcohol-related driving offense can have a serious impact on a young person’s future. For example, they may have difficulty securing employment because of their criminal record or experience problems with friends and family members. In Spokane, Washington, and across the nation, those who have been charged with underage DUI should closely analyze their situation and take a close look at all of their legal options.
The Washington State Liquor Control Board published a fact sheet which explores the prevalence of underage drunk driving. In addition to considerable criminal and civil penalties, underage drunk drivers may become seriously injured or even lose their life in a wreck. According to the WSLCB, almost one out of every five 10th graders who participated in a survey that was conducted in 2014 said they rode in a vehicle with drivers who had consumed alcohol. Furthermore, the survey found that nine percent of 12th graders reported operating a vehicle after consuming alcohol. Sadly, underage drunk drivers between the ages of 16 and 20 are over twice as likely to lose their life in an auto accident when compared to those who are over 21.
Please remember that the material presented in this piece does not constitute legal advice.