At Twyford Law Office, our skilled divorce attorneys represent clients seeking a military divorce in Bellevue.

We understand the complexity and challenges that come with ending a marriage.

We will help you with every aspect of your case and protect your rights in the process.

We have years of experience representing our clients in cases involving child supportchild custody, divorce, marital agreements, and more. Contact us today at 425-517-3350 to speak with a Bellevue military divorce lawyer.

Why Choose Our Military Divorce Attorneys

  • Our attorneys have extensive knowledge of military divorces and the unique issues that these cases involve.
  • We offer trusted, reputable, and compassionate legal advice backed by more than 40 years of combined legal experience.
  • Our military divorce lawyers in Bellevue will guide you through each phase of the divorce process and remain in contact to ensure your goals are met.

How a Military Divorce Lawyer Can Help

family law attorney with experience handling military divorces can make the process much easier. They will help you address all issues involved, such as:

  • Delaying proceedings if you are on active duty.
  • Protecting your interests and assets.
  • Negotiating spousal maintenance and child support.
  • Fighting for the best interests of your child when it comes to a parenting plan and residential time.

Divorcing spouses often have different views about what is best or fair, creating conflict. A Bellevue military divorce attorney can offer objective advice about the long-term impact of your choices to help you find solutions to these disputes. At the same time, your attorney will take on the burden of filing the proper paperwork and meeting deadlines. If your case must be decided by a judge, a divorce attorney will advocate for your rights in court.

Military Divorce Filing Requirements in Washington

To file for a divorce in Washington, either the military member or their spouse must establish residency. However, no law requires residency in Washington for a specific length of time before filing. Washington is a pure no-fault divorce state, which means the only grounds for seeking a divorce is that the marriage is irretrievably broken. The spouse who files the paperwork must serve the other so they have a chance to respond. However, serving a spouse can be uniquely challenging if it is a military member overseas.

Delay of Divorce Proceedings for Active Duty Spouses

If a military member is on active duty, preventing them from responding to a divorce petition or participating in proceedings, federal and state laws protect them from default judgments to divorce petitions. A seasoned military divorce lawyer in Bellevue can explain how the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) grants active duty spouses the right to request a “stay” or postponement of the divorce proceedings. If a “stay” is granted, it will put a hold on the process for at least 90 days. However, extensions may be allowed until the military member’s duties no longer interfere with their participation.

Contact a Bellevue Military Divorce Attorney Today

If you are considering a military divorce, please do not hesitate to contact Twyford Law Office. We have decades of experience in all aspects of family law and offer a free consultation to discuss your legal options. We are available 24/7; call (425) 517-3350 or fill out our online contact form today to speak with a Bellevue military divorce lawyer.