Going through a divorce or separation when dependent children are involved can be a complicated and potentially costly process.

Ensuring that your rights are protected and preferences are taken into account throughout the process can be difficult.

Achieving your objectives in terms of child support requires that you assemble a strong case in support of your position and convince the court that yours is the proper position.

Our skilled family law attorneys have years of representing our clients in cases involving divorce, military divorce, child custody, prenuptial agreements, and more. Contact us today at 425-517-3350.

Ensuring that your child support order is fair, just, and manageable for yourself, your former spouse or partner, and your child is essential to support your financial stability. A Bellevue child support lawyer at Twyford Law Office is standing by to consult on your case, and read on to learn more.

How Are Washington Child Support Amounts Determined?

To determine which parent is responsible for covering child support, the court will use the Washington child support calculator. The calculator is used by the court to provide an advisory piece of information as to how to proceed with child support. However, the calculator and the information provided are considered by the court to be advisory only. Additional evidence that you submit will also be taken into account and inform the opinion of the court.

Calculating the amount of child support that a parent will be obligated to requires the input of a considerable amount of information. The result of the calculation depends upon the accuracy and completeness of the information that you provide. If important information is left out by mistake, you could find yourself obligated to a child support amount that is not sustainable or even possible. A knowledgeable child support lawyer in Bellevue can assist in ensuring that all relevant details are included and that the final amount is fair and manageable.

Shared or Mutual Child Support Orders

It is important to know that in most instances, both parents will be responsible for providing some elements of child support. Both parents are expected to share childcare and other costs, such as travel for visitation or educational expenses. The court will also determine which party or parties are responsible for the medical care of the child. Medical care can include reimbursement for medical costs and the provision of insurance for the child.

The agreement of both parents is the first step towards coming to a child support agreement. Even if the parties are in agreement, the court must still determine that the agreed child support is in the best interests of the child. Your Bellevue child custody attorney will assemble the evidence you need to present the best possible case in your favor.

Discuss your Child Support Dispute With a Bellevue Attorney

The outcome of your child support dispute will have a long-term impact on your financial position and also your relationship with your child and ex-spouse or partner. Coming to a fair and just agreement in terms of child support is essential to support the well-being of all parties involved.

For dedicated assistance from a Bellevue child support lawyer, contact Twyford Law Office to schedule a consultation. We’ll provide you with a free initial assessment of your case, and if we can help, we’ll discuss options. Contact us today at 425-517-3350. today to find out how an attorney can help with your case.