An experienced Bellevue post-divorce disputes lawyer at Twyford Law Office could help you address the dispute you are having with your former spouse and work toward a satisfactory resolution.

When you made the choice to get divorced, you probably hoped to put an end to one chapter in your life. You likely assumed you would be able to put a large separation between you and your former spouse. Unfortunately, aspects of a dissolved marriage can continue to affect a former couple many years after their divorce. A former couple might need to revisit certain issues when circumstances change or when a dispute arises.

How a Post-Divorce Disputes Attorney Could Assist

After a divorce is finalized, circumstances for one or both parties can alter significantly. Our qualified legal team with more than 40 years of experience in family law could help by taking a holistic approach to the case. They could look at what an individual might need for the rest of their life. By working with financial planners and experts, our Bellevue attorneys could help the individual pursue the post-divorce modification they need or help them fight to maintain the terms of the existing agreement. Our seasoned legal team knows how to negotiate for fair results, but they are also not afraid to litigate when necessary.

Changes that Can Occur After a Divorce

Most commonly, divorced couples experience issues regarding spousal support, child custody, and child-rearing.


One of the former spouses might wish to move far away within the state or even out of state or internationally. The move could affect the former couple’s ability to co-parent their children. If the parties share physical custody of the children, the spouse who is moving away would need to get permission from the court and the other parent to bring the children to their new location. If they are not bringing the children with them, they will still need to alter their custody arrangement because the spouse who is moving might not be able to see their child as regularly during the week and might need to switch to only weekends or holidays, where they could see their children for a longer time period.


One party might choose to get remarried, which could affect their ability to continue receiving spousal support from their former spouse. The divorce agreement might have a clause in it that eliminates or reduces alimony payments after the receiving spouse gets remarried.

Change in Income

If one party loses their job, they might need to modify their child support payments and spousal maintenance agreement to reflect their changed circumstances so they can pay less support.

Disagreements Regarding Child-Rearing

Former couples occasionally have disputes regarding how to parent their children. Parents can have major disagreements regarding discipline, schooling, and medical care.

Failure to Pay Spousal or Child Support

The parties might need to go to court if one of the parties does not pay their support obligations.

Payment of College Expenses

Some parties disagree over paying for a child’s college tuition. If the parties did not set out a clear plan in the initial divorce decree, they would need to revisit the issue in a post-divorce modification.

Division of Property

Even years after a divorce, the parties might need to resolve disputes regarding certain assets. Some divorce decrees have provisions regarding the sale of the marital home, liquidating of stocks held jointly, or claiming the pension benefits of one party.

A well-practiced post-divorce disputes lawyer in Bellevue could examine the effect of the change in circumstances on the former couple’s lives and work to find a meaningful solution.

Contact a Bellevue Post-Divorce Disputes Attorney for Assistance

Divorce is difficult, regardless of how long you were married. Even years after a divorce, tensions between a former couple can still run high. If you are having a disagreement with your former spouse, you should consult a knowledgeable legal professional who would look out for your interests and protect your family.

Contact a dedicated Bellevue post-divorce disputes lawyer at Twyford Law Office today.