4 Tips to Fight Against Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a common method of harming a parent-child relationship. A parent may use parental alienation to separate a child from their other parent to give them an advantage during child custody actions in Washington. Sometimes, a parent may “punish” their ex-partner by creating problems for their partner with their child.

If you suspect your ex-partner is engaging in parental alienation, it is crucial to act quickly to protect your child. Tips for fighting parental alienation include:

1. Write Everything Down in a Journal

Make detailed notes about issues or situations that arise, such as your child’s other parent blocking visitation. Write down the date and the excuse given for missing visitation. Make notes about your child’s behavior, including statements they make to you that could indicate their other parent is trying to alienate them from you.

Detailed information can help you prove parental alienation in court. A pattern of wrongdoing is powerful evidence of parental alienation.

2. Ask for Visitation or Communication in Writing

Send a text or email to your spouse requesting visitation and communication with your child. It may be tedious to always put your requests in writing, but it proves you tried to see your child and communicate with them.

3. Seek Counseling and Therapy

Individual and family counseling can help identify parental alienation. You may need to petition the court for an order requiring counseling if your child’s other parent refuses to allow counseling.

4. Seek Help from a Washington Child Custody Lawyer

Proving parental alienation can be challenging. Hiring an experienced Washington child custody lawyer can help. An attorney understands the proof you need to establish parental alienation and how to obtain the evidence. Call an attorney for a free consultation today.

What Is Parental Alienation?

Parental alienation occurs when a parent uses deception or manipulation to intentionally turn a child against the other parent. It harms the parent-child relationship with the other parent. A parent engaging in parental alienation intentionally tries to destroy the parent-child relationship between their child and the child’s other parent.

The child often does not understand what is happening. They only know what their parent is telling them. It is a form of brainwashing, so the child believes the parent committing parental alienation is the “good” parent and the other parent is the “bad” person in the relationship.

The parent slowly convinces the child that the other parent does not love them, is entirely responsible for the breakup of the marriage, and/or is a bad person. The goal is to have the child sever all ties with their other parent.

What Tactics Do Parents Use to Alienate a Child From the Other Parent?

Parental alienation takes many forms. It is a subtle attack over a long period. However, some forms of parental alienation may be overt, but the child is too young or immature to see the actions for what they represent.

Recognizing the actions used by your ex to hurt your relationship with your child is the first step in fighting against parental alienation.

Forms of parental alienation include:

  • Allowing a child to decide whether they want to visit a parent during scheduled visitation or do other activities
  • Intentionally scheduling activities that interfere with scheduled visitation
  • Blaming a parent for the breakup of the family
  • Using a child to “spy” on the other parent and report back to the parent
  • Telling a child that their other parent does not want to spend time with them when the parent has a valid reason for missing visitation, such as working
  • Asking a child to choose between their parents
  • Refusing to give a child messages from their other parent
  • Making a child feel guilty for spending time with their other parent
  • Keeping the other parent uninformed of the child’s educational, medical, and extra-curricular information
  • Monitoring a child’s communication with the other parent to use that information against the parent
  • False allegations of negligence or child abuse
  • Blaming the other parent’s friends or family members for breaking up the marriage

The goal is for the parent committing parental alienation to appear as the victim or the “good” parent. Remember, some forms of parental alienation are subtle. So, you also need to watch for signs of parental alienation.

Signs of Parental Alienation You Need to Know

Your child may overtly express dislike for you, your family members, and your friends. They may tell you that you are the reason the family is broken. Your child may also have unrealistic beliefs about you and your relationship with your child. They may accuse you of abusing or neglecting them and be highly disrespectful.

Children may experience mental and emotional issues when they are the victim of parental alienation. They may engage in self-destructive behavior and choose unhealthy relationships. A child may become depressed and show a lack of interest in their favorite activities. You may also see a decrease in grades or a regression of learned skills.

Your child is not equipped to deal with the emotional harm caused by parental alienation. Therefore, they will display these adverse behaviors or “act out” in response to the tactics used to alienate them from you.

Contact the Washington Child Custody Lawyers at Twyford Law Office To Get Legal Assistance Today At (206) 590-7085

To learn more and get the help you deserve, call our child custody lawyers or reach out to Twyford Law Office online by visiting our contact us page.

We serve in King County and Spokane County in Washington and its surrounding areas. You can also visit our offices. We are conveniently located in Seattle, Spokane & Bellevue:

Twyford Law Office – Seattle Office
814 Second Avenue, Suite 515,
Seattle, WA 98104

(206) 590-7085


Twyford Law Office – Spokane Office
430 W Indiana Ave,
Spokane, WA 99205

(509) 327 0777


Twyford Law Office – Bellevue Office
1408 140th Pl NE Suite 400,
Bellevue, WA 98007

(425) 517-3350